Saturday, August 26, 2006

My Triathlon Up In Smoke?

So I hurt my foot Wednesday night after running/walking my first full 5 miles. Aside from being very tired afterward, I felt fine. Later, after I got home my foot started hurting. Thursday it hurt all day, I couldn't even walk. Friday was the same so I had it x-rayed. Guess what? Nobody read the x-ray. That was nice of them. Made me feel all warm and fuzzy that I would have to deal with this all weekend. Today is Saturday and the darn thing feels much better. Not a hundred percent, but at least I can walk more normally. :-)

Yesterday I got my author copy of Blackmailed in the mail. I was suppose to get ten and only one came :-( My publisher said she ordered ten and they must have read one, so hopefully more will come sometime next week. Still, it was exciting to open the box and touch my very first book.

I'm working on Checkmate. Has to be in by November 1. Yikes. That's a scary amount of time for me. I'm also contemplating submitting a proposal for the X-mas anthology at Samhain for X-mas 2007. It seems eons away but their going to use it at the next BEA conference. Haven't decided yet what to do since I still have two stories to write for the contracts I've already signed. WHICH I should be working on right now.

So, Bye for now!