Monday, August 14, 2006

Holy Crap

It's been forever since I was here last. I'll have to jump my own butt to be here more often , I guess. I've finally turned in Seeing Eye Mate to my editor. We'll see what happens *shrugs* Now I'm off to work on the sequel, Checkmate.

I'm training for a triathlon in October. My very first race and it's a very daunting task for someone who's had four babies and VERY limited excersize in the last ten years. The race is a 500 meter swim, a 21 mile bike, and a 5 mile run. The swimming and biking are going well. I won't be first, I won't be last. Somewhere in the middle probably. The running...dead last, I presume. It basically sucks. I hate it. Right now I'm fluctuating between going 2 and 3 miles at a time and having to walk several times throughout. The hubby and I walked the race route last week and it took us 1 hour and 30 minutes to walk the whole thing. I think the slowest racer in the previous race was at like 65 minutes. Yikes. Seems a little insurmountable to me.

Blackmailed is being released in print, YES in print! on Tuesday, August 15th. TOMORROW!!! I am very excited. Saturday I'm having my first book signing with my RWA local chapter.