Thursday, April 19, 2007

Thirteen Last Minute Things To Do Before RT
Annmarie McKenna

I shouldn't be Thirteening today. I need to be doing a million other things, yet here I sit feeling guilty for not being able to blog at all since last week. So here's my list of 13 make-me-even-more-nervous things to do before Tuesday.

1. Print some copies of Fantasmagorical Covers to give away.
2. Find 2 baskets. One for holding name slips for the basket giveaway, on for the actual basket.
3. Pray that the Gods are on my side and my magnets actually make it to Houston and are printed correctly :)
4. Organize clothes. I have done nothing but promo items for this trip so far.
5. Get my hair cut. That's later today.
6. Sleep. Yep, I haven't been doing that so well lately.
7. Make a list of ALL the things I do that my hubby doesn't know about, for the kids. Boy is he in for a shock.
8. Buy food for said kids so hubby doesn't have to cook.
9. Go to the Bank.
10. Find a few more items to go in the gift basket.
11. Organize between my mom and my hubby the kids schedule while he works.
12. Pack.
13. Try not to have a nervous breakdown.

Everything else, is there anything else?, is good to go. I think. I hope. Next year won't be so bad will it? At least then I won't be a virgin anymore and will have an idea of what's about to happen.

Links to other Thursday Thirteens!
1. (leave your link in comments, I’ll add you here!)

Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!

The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!


Unknown said...

Fantasmagorical is a wonderful word and I must use if from now on! You're life sounds like my life. I have so much to do and no time to do it. I'm scared if I stop moving I'll drop. Good luck with getting everything done and thanks for stopping by today!

Daisy Dexter Dobbs said...

Wow, I got nervous and stressed out just reading your list, Annmarie! LOL

I love #7--he'll look at you in a whole new light by the time you get back.

Have a fabulous time!

Wylie Kinson said...

Thanks so much for stopping by my blog!

Have fun at the convention -- and don't stress yourself out before you get there. It's amazing how 'competent' husbands can be when no-one is watching ;)

Kate Davies said...

Have a wonderful time, Annmarie! Someday, I want to go to RT too! :)

Amelia Elias said...

Waaaaaah, I am SO jealous of people going to RT! I wanna GO!!!

Elle Fredrix said...

Have a blast at RT! I hope everyone that's going brings back lots of news for the rest of us.

Tempest Knight said...

Enjoy your trip and have fun at the RT convention! :)

Amanda Young said...

Calm down. You're going to have a blast. I only wish I were going with you. Oooo next year though...

Rhian said...

Whew - i see here that THERE ARE a few people NOT going to RT! I was beginning to fear i would be languishing all alone in the blog world while my friends all went off to play together. Heh. i just had an evil thought - if i really wanted to be bad, i'd hop a plane and just show up with camera and media pass and freak y'all out. snickering loudly.....

N.J.Walters said...

Breathe, Annmarie. LOL Wish I was going to Houston. Have a wonderful time!

Lauren Dane said...

I'm with ya on many of those things! My lovely husband went to the bank for me yesterday though, thank the heavens!

I'll see you next week!

Anonymous said...

LOL! AM, you crack me up. I've done some of the things on your list, but I'm in the same boat on a lot of them.
Instead of a basket for my entry sips for the gift basket, I bought a pretty purple gift bag and stuck western style scrapbook stickers on it. Takes up less room. :)
See you next week!!!

Bianca D'Arc said...

I got my hair cut yesterday. Today I'm packing clothes because, like you, I've only been doing promo stuff up to this point. Oh yeah, and I've got a toothache, so I'm going to the dentist. Ack!

Heidi Blackstone said...

Loved #7 and good luck with 13 :)
Have a great time!


Aline de Chevigny said...

LOL good luck with # 13 and have fun.

Wish I were there.
