Yes, that's right, I'm going to TRI again :) Yeah, yeah, I know last time wasn't so successful but surely that kind of thing can't happen twice, right? Right? Gulp. So this was me last time...
...and FYI, this was the least scary picture. You should have seen the day of. Yikes. It's hard to revisit these, LOL. Anyway, in four weeks I'm going to try again. This time with my sister. This happened on the bike portion and no, I didn't hit by a car and yes, I was wearing a helmet. There wasn't a scratch on it! The scariest portion this time around for me is the swim. It's in open water in a bay with God only knows what swimming around me or trying to eat me. I asked about sharks and my sister's friend laughed and said, "There aren't any sharks! The alligators eat them all." He so did not help my confidence. So, here I am, 4 weeks out from a .6 mile swim, 28 mile bike, and a 6.5 mile run. Not to mention the 13 hour drive with 9 yr old in tow, just to get to the race. Wish me luck :)
Annmarie blogged!!
You are one brave woman. After last time this no way I'd be going back. No, wait a minute, I wouldn't have gone the first time.
Hope you do well.
P.S. I love that you blogged.
Someone mark this date on the calendar. AM blogged. WOOT!
Uh, yeah. You are driving 13 hours for this torture? I'm sorry, but the only reason I see to run is if something big, ugly and scary is chasing me.
Er, have fun. *g*
Gee, I didn't know you blogged, AM. I also didn't know you were into masochism ...
Seriously--you have got gumption, girl! While I'd like to write like you when I grow up, I do not want to run, swim, and ride a bike like you.
good luck on your TRI!
you guys are hilarious. And Nic, I do plan to be running from the gigantic shark who'd like to eat my ass while I swim. Enough motivation?
Glad to see you back bloggin, AM.
I wouldn't have the nerve to try it again. You're a brave woman and I wish you luck with this year's race!
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